When the flashbacks were over, Spike paused for a moment and then said, idiotically, "I think she said we're always welcome in her shed." The trio then entered the shed, only to find out that Fluttershy had killed all of her animals, and decorated the inside with their organs. However, the trio had just forgotten that Fluttershy had said something about people going in her shed many times before, and Spike tried to remember what it was through some flashbacks. Spike, along with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, later tried to look for the Elements of Harmony (which he refers to as the "Helements of Armory") inside Fluttershy's cottage.

In response, the small dragon took out a bong, smoked it, and said, "Yeah, far out dude." (" DRESS.MOV") Noticing this all the way from a distant hill, Twilight told Spike that they must locate the Elements of Harmony so they could stop him. Spike and Twilight Sparkle soon find out that Discord, the giant killer God of Chaos, had escaped from his imprisonment of stone, and returned to Ponyville so he could cause havoc. After watching an almost-digested apple slowly go up her throat and fall out of her mouth, Spike stated that she's going to be fine. When Applejack put herself into a coma, Spike and the others went to see if she was okay.
This, for some reason, made Applejack angry as she kicked Spike into a tree, and then threw the empty tub on top of him when she got out a new tub full of apples to dig in to. A stoned Spike first appeared telling Applejack that she was crazy, after noticing she that had eaten every apple out of the wooden tub, and then snickered about it.